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Opportunity to raise people’s mind

I passionately believe that we need a public library system that is on par with the best in the world, and is accessible to all. I have not met any Indian who has not returned from the US, glowing with praise for the public library system there. I myself think most of my real education […]
Jan 6, 2006 | Article


Imagine there was no illiteracy

Countries in the West have autonomous school boards that report to citizens and encourage participatory practices. Sure they have their share of problems, but at least these problems are aired and responses are required to be made. Let me start with Akshara Foundation, with which I am most familiar. Since early 2000, we have had […]
Oct 7, 2005 | Article


Sringeri Srinivas Learns to Laugh - Pratham Books

Sringeri Srinivas Learns to Laugh – Pratham Books. This is a Level 2 book for children who recognize familiar words and can read new words with help. View PDF
Jan 1, 2016 | Children's Books


Rohini Nilekani on Technology and Education

This is an edited version of Rohini Nilekani’s interview on the importance of digital-led education and early childhood learning, on Pratham’s 25th anniversary. Every child deserves education as a fundamental right in this country. But even today, we are not able to guarantee that right for all the children in India. The journey of bringing […]
Mar 9, 2020 | Interview